24 thoughts on “Golf Tip: Start Of The Downswing; Hank Haney

  1. ◆◇◆◇◆お金にお困りの方に5,000,000円お譲りします◆◇◆◇◆【http://437.jp】お話が長くなってしまうので、単刀直入に申します。どなたかお金にお困りの方いましたら、こちら【http://437.jp】の、5,000,000円をお譲りしたいと思っています・・。Youtube内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合がございますので、お受け取りになられる方は、こちらの【http://437.jp】←のリンクより、スムーズにお話を進める事ができます。最短で、約30分程でお受け取りする事も可能となっております。お受け取りするにあたって、条件等も一切ございませんので、皆様お早めのご連絡お待ちしております。いきなりの書き込み失礼しました。

  2. met him today i look upand hes like hows your game going i was shocked such a great guy.

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  4. 【http://cc77.info】※譲って欲しい方のみお読み下さい… どなたか私の都合でお譲りしたいお金を受け取って下さる方いませんか?真面目な相談なので、真面目な受け答えをしてくれる方に最短で30分程でお譲りします。冷やかし、中傷などはご遠慮下さい。受け取り可能な方は、【http://cc77.info】かまたは、youtube内動画検索にて『 よふさ 』で検索して頂くと、お受け取りになる事ができます。突然の書き込み失礼しました…

  5. 【http://bb99.info】皆様にご相談があります…どなたかお金にお困りの方おりませんか?私は自分のお金の使い道に困っております。自分の諸事情なのですが…どなたか5,000,000円受け取って下さる方いらっしゃいませんか?どなたにでもお譲り致します。条件等は一切ございません。いきなりこんな所に書き込んでしまって失礼を承知の上ですが、どなたかに受け取って頂きたく思っております。受け取って頂けるという方は、こちらから【http://bb99.info】か、又はyoutube内動画検索にて『 いほえ 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第最短30分程でお受け取りになる事ができます。急な話で信じられないかもしれませんが、人生の転機は急に訪れるものです。お困りの方はご連絡の方お待ちしております。準備は出来ていますので本日中にでもお渡しできます。

  6. Well siad Tooneysonic,
    It’s almost a case of “the Kings new clothes” in a way; there is absolutely NO SUBSTITUTE for actually playing the game and challenging yourself.
    Personally speaking, I will probably be going forward sans Golf professional for a while at least.

  7. In my humble opinion the only moment of truth in golf is impact. There are so many effective ways of swinging. Lots of golf “guru’s” have lost their way. It’s become too much range “instruction” and not enough teaching of how to play the game. So many all time greats swing differently but at impact they are near identical.

  8. As I mentioned, there are many ways to do it. And give yourself some credit, I doubt if you are an idiot. To borrow a line from Shivas Irons, one of the greatest golf gurus of all time, remember we’re just “all kites flying up in the wind”.

  9. As I mentioned, there are many ways to do it. And give yourself some credit, I doubt if you are an idiot. To borrow a line from Shivas Irons, one of the greatest golf gurus of all time, remember we’re just “all kites flying up in the wind”.

  10. Please forget Hank Haney, he will screw your swing up!! Many instructors think they have the keys but most can’t even tie their own fricking shoe laces!! My suggestion is learn the basics(fundamentals) and leave the idiot coaches in the dust!!!

  11. Sir, actually if you have been teaching that fricking long, any idiot knows you don’t swing (AT) the golf ball, you swing through the ball…END OF FUCKING STORY!!!

  12. I agree, Haney royally fucked up Tiger’s swing…I have been playing this game since I was age 10(now 58) and the one thing you don’t want to teach someone is the disconnect between arms, hands and hips on the downswing…that thought will destroy tempo!!!

  13. Very true senorchipotle. The impact zone is the same. The back and forward swings, along with the follow thru are what really screw us mere mortals up.

  14. … there may be a lot of ways to swing a club, but impact position is all the same. so technically, there is only one way to hit the ball efficiently.

  15. hank haney is a good guy, Martini Tees were recently featured on his show with Rush Limbaugh

  16. – Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym. Thanks Jack Black!

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